Lasting Powers of Attorney
Lasting power of attorney (1 LPA) £400.00 + vat (£480.00)
Lasting power of attorney (2 LPAs) £808.00 + vat (£960.00)
Lasting power of attorneys (4 LPAs) £1600.00 + vat (£1920.00)
(includes our charges to register but not the OPG fee)
Office of Public Guardian’s Registration fee currently £82.00
This price includes: The preparation and execution of a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), to include attending upon the donor, taking instructions and advising where necessary. Completion of Lasting Power of Attorney with the donor’s personal details and decisions, acting as Certificate Provider if required. Attending the donor at our premises when signing the document (if required); arranging for Attorney(s) to sign the document and completion of forms for people to be notified of the application to register (if required), arranging registration of LPA at the Office of the Public Guardian; Waiting statutory period for registration, receiving registered LPA and sending to the donor or attorney for use or arranging to store these in secure storage as required.
Home Visits
Within Torbay £150.00 + vat (£180.00)
Outside Torbay £200.00 + vat (£240.00)
Severance of Joint Tenancy
Severance of Joint Tenancy £300.00 + vat (£360.00)
Application for Grant of Probate only £1,500.00 + vat (£1,800.00) + disbursements
Administration of estate
Probate and Executor duties £270.00 per hour + vat (£324.00)
Acting as Attorney - Management of general affairs etc £270.00 per hour + vat (£324.00)
Probate application fee £273.00
Per office copy £1.50 per copy
These prices include:
Grant only – fixed fee service:
Taking the Executors initial instructions to include notification of the values of all assets in the estate to confirm whether there will be a liability to inheritance tax. If no liability, then completing Inland Revenue forms and Probate application form, preparing a Legal Statement and arranging for the same to be signed by the Executor. If there is a liability to IHT, then this service may not be available and individual requirements will be discussed at the time of instruction.
Lodging the Legal Statement and HMRC form with the Probate Registry with the appropriate fee, receiving the Grant of Probate and copies and forwarding these to the Executor.
Administration of estate - hourly rate of £270.00 per hour plus VAT (£324.00)
Taking initial instructions from the Executor/s; Liaising with the funeral director if required; notifying all parties where assets are held; arranging property valuation; receiving notification of balances in estate for Grant application; applying to HMRC for an inheritance tax reference number (if relevant); completion of IHT forms, obtaining Executors approval of the figures and submitting these to HMRC for agreement by them; receiving confirmation /that no IHT is payable /of the amount of IHT payable; preparing Legal Statement of truth in application for Grant of Probate; preparation of notices for non-proving Executors and serving these; arranging for s27 Deceased Notice to be placed in the London Gazette and the local newspaper if required; ultimately receiving the Grant of Probate and closing all assets and liabilities; liaising with Conveyancing department in the sale of property if required and ultimately receiving net proceeds of sale; payment of all legacies and ultimately, distribution of the residuary balance of Estate funds and accounting to the Executors for all monies by way of a fully particularised Estate Account.
Court of Protection
Application for Receivership £1,500.00 + vat (£1800.00)
Court fee currently £365.00
This price includes: Receiving the Deputy’s instructions in respect of a Court of Protection application for them to be appointed as Receiver for a vulnerable person; completion of relevant COP forms; sending COP forms to all interested parties in the matter and where relevant; submission of COP forms to the Court and undertaking all other work as required by the matter.
The Wills and Probate department is run by Flis Cotton who is a Chartered Legal Executive and Director of the firm. She is assisted by Kirsty Neill who is a Chartered Legal Executive.
VAT is charged at 20% on all fees
Sale Price Freehold Leasehold
Up to £100,000 £775.00 +VAT (£930.00) £935.00 +VAT (£1122.00)
£100,001 TO £150,000 £825.00 +VAT (£990.00) £975.00 +VAT (£1170.00)
£150,001 TO £200,000 £850.00 +VAT (£1020.00) £1000.00 +VAT (£1200.00)
£200,001 TO £250,000 £875.00 +VAT (£1050.00) £1045.00 +VAT (£1254.00)
£250,001 TO £300,000 £975.00 +VAT (£1170.00) £1125.00 +VAT (£1350.00)
£300,001 TO £400,000 £1025.00 +VAT (£1230.00) £1175.00 +VAT (£1410.00)
£400,001 TO £500,000 £1075.00 +VAT (£1290.00) £1275.00 +VAT (£1530.00)
£500,001 TO £600,000 £1175.00 +VAT (£1410.00) £1325.00 +VAT (£1590.00)
£600,001 TO £700,000 £1325.00 +VAT (£1590.00) £1475.00 +VAT (£1770.00)
£700,001 TO £800,000 £1475.00 +VAT (£1770.00) £1675.00 +VAT (£2010.00)
For properties over £800,000, our charges increase incrementally by £200 + VAT (£240.00) for every £100,000 or part thereof. For example the cost on the sale of a freehold property at £900,000 will give rise to charges of £1675 +VAT (£2010.00) and on leasehold £1875 + VAT (£2250.00)
Estimated Disbursements for Sales:
1. Electronic money transfer fee per transfer– £55.00 inclusive of 20% VAT
2. Any estate agents commission will be payable if you are not proceeding by way of private sale
Likely disbursements payable in leasehold sales include the Landlord's sale pack fee which often ranges between £100 plus VAT (£120) and £350 plus VAT (£420.00)
What services are included and key stages for a Sale of a Residential Property
Steps involved
• Obtaining title to the property from the Land Registry, and other supporting papers, Reviewing these documents, once received
• Sending you standard property information and fittings & contents forms for completion and return
• Preparing a draft contract and issuing it to the buyer’s conveyancer
• Liaising if necessary with the landlord/managing agents with regard to enquiries and their requirements on sale
• Taking your instructions upon and replying to any additional enquiries
• Attending to all related correspondence, telephone calls, faxes and emails
• Providing you with the contract for signing
• Confirming your instructions for exchange of contracts and completion
• Agreeing the form of the transfer deed
• Preparing a completion statement
• Completing the sale of the property
• Paying off any mortgage loan and estate agents’ commission
Our estimates do not include any advice about the following aspects:
- Taxation issues
- Matters relating to survey or the state and condition of the property
- Division of sale proceeds between joint owners
- Application of proceeds of sale for the purchase of another property which you may be buying with another person
We reserve the ability to charge extra if the transaction becomes out of the ordinary, and demands additional time to resolve any problems. These could include:
- Defective title
- Lack of planning documentation in your possession
- Very short interval between exchange and completion, or simultaneous exchange and completion
- Dealing with unregistered title
- Dealing with more than one registered title
- Tenanted buy to let property
- Dealing with third party lawyers
- Corresponding with joint sellers individually
- Drafting of each additional contract pack for a contract race
- Arranging conveyancing indemnity policy
- Drafting statutory declaration
- Drafting declaration of trust
- Advising adult occupier required to sign consent form for lender
- Acting on behalf of the mortgage lender
- Shared ownership lease
- Help to buy aspects
- Leasehold properties only
- Dealing with deed of variation of lease
- Sale/transfer of freehold
- Dealing with Deed of Covenant/Licence to Assign
- Dealing with service charge retention
We will always advise you immediately about any complications, and discuss the potential impact on price before any additional charges are incurred.
How long will my house sale take?
The time it takes from you accepting their offer until you can move out of your house will depend on a number of factors. The average process takes between 8 and 12 weeks.
It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain. For example, if you are a selling to a first-time buyer, it could take 8 weeks. However, if you are selling a leasehold property that requires an extension of the lease, this can take significantly longer, between 3 and 4 months. In such a situation additional charges would apply.
Purchase Price
Freehold Leasehold
Up to £100,000 £935.00 +VAT (£1122.00) £1035.00 +VAT (£1242.00)
£100,001 TO £200,000 £995.00 +VAT (£1194.00) £1105.00 +VAT (£1326.00)
£200,001 TO £300,000 £1055.00 +VAT (£1266.00) £1175.00 +VAT (£1410.00)
£300,001 TO £400,000 £1125.00 +VAT (£1350.00) £1225.00 +VAT (£1470.00)
£400,001 TO £500,000 £1225.00 +VAT (£1470.00) £1325.00 +VAT (£1590.00)
£500,001 TO £600,000 £1275.00 +VAT (£1530.00) £1425.00 +VAT (£1710.00)
£600,001 TO £700,000 £1325.00 +VAT (£1590.00) £1525.00 +VAT (£1830.00)
£700,001 TO £800,000 £1555.00 +VAT (£1866.00) £1725.00 +VAT (£2070.00)
For properties over £800,000, our charges increase incrementally by £200 + VAT (£240.00) for every £100,000 or part thereof. For example the cost on the purchase of a freehold property at £900,000 will give rise to charges of £1755 +VAT (£2106.00) and on leasehold £1925 + VAT (£2310.00)
Purchase Price Freehold Leasehold
Up to £100,000 £1035.00 +VAT (£1242.00) £1135.00 +VAT (£1362.00)
£100,001 TO £200,000 £1095.00 +VAT (£1314.00) £1205.00 +VAT (£1446.00)
£200,001 TO £300,000 £1155.00 +VAT (£1386.00) £1275.00 +VAT (£1530.00)
£300,001 TO £400,000 £1225.00 +VAT (£1470.00) £1325.00 +VAT (£1590.00)
£400,001 TO £500,000 £1325.00 +VAT (£1590.00) £1425.00 +VAT (£1710.00)
£500,001 TO £600,000 £1375.00 +VAT (£1650.00) £1475.00 +VAT (£1770.00)
£600,001 TO £700,000 £1525.00 +VAT (£1830.00) £1575.00 +VAT (£1890.00)
£700,001 TO £800,000 £1625.00 +VAT (£1950.00) £1775.00 +VAT (£2130.00)
For properties over £800,000, our charges increase incrementally by £200 + VAT (£240.00) for every £100,000 or part thereof. For example the cost on the purchase of a freehold property at £900,000 will give rise to charges of £1825 +VAT (£2190.00) and on leasehold £1975 + VAT (£2370.00)
If you have an ISA then an extra charge of £50 plus VAT (£60) will be payable.
What services are included and key stages for purchase of a residential property
Steps involved
- Considering all information sent by the seller’s conveyancer and raising any additional pre-contract enquiries Agreeing the form of the contract
- Raising searches and checking all results
- Attending to all related correspondence, telephone calls, faxes and emails
- Preparing a report to you on matters of title, contract, pre-contract searches and enquiries relating to the property
- Reporting to you on your mortgage offer
- Sending contract, mortgage deed and Stamp Duty Land Transaction Return form to you for execution
- Confirming your instructions for exchange of contracts and completion including receiving the deposit payable on exchange
- Arranging for exchange of contracts
- Preparing the purchase deed to transfer ownership of the property to you and raising pre-completion searches and enquiries
- Preparing a completion statement
- Completing the transaction
- Attending to formalities relating to stamp duty land tax
- Registering the transaction at the Land Registry
Estimated Disbursements for All Purchases:
1. Approximate search fees (these vary from one local authority to another) – £250.00
2. Electronic money transfer fee per transfer – £55.00 inclusive of 20% VAT
3. Land Registry fee – you can calculate the amount you will need to pay by using the Land Registry's website -
Land Registry Fee Calculator 4. Stamp duty – You can calculate the amount you will need to pay by using this link to the HMRC's website -
HMRC Stamp Duty
Additional anticipated disbursements for leasehold purchase:
1. Notice of Transfer fee – this fee if chargeable is set out in the lease. Often the fee is between £50.00 and £200.00 plus VAT (@ 20%)
2. Notice of Charge fee (if the property is to be mortgaged) – this fee is set out in the lease. Often the fee is between £10.00 and £100.00
3. Deed of Covenant fee – this fee is provided by the management company for the property and can be difficult to estimate. Often it is between £100.00 and £350.00 plus VAT (@ 20%)
4. Certificate of Compliance fee – to be confirmed upon receipt of the lease, as it can range between £30.00 and £150.00 plus VAT (@ 20%)
Legal fees are fixed fees which will be based on the property and complexity of the transaction.
These fees vary from property to property and can, on occasion, be significantly more than the ranges given above. We can give you an accurate figure once we have sight of your specific documents.
You should also be aware that ground rent and service charge are likely to apply throughout your ownership of the property. We will confirm the ground rent and the anticipated service charge as soon as we receive this information.
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as Land Registry fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.
Our estimates do not include any advice about the following aspects:
- Taxation issues
- Matters relating to survey or the state and condition of the property
- Checking the identity of your seller
- The validity or enforceability of any guarantees relating to work done at the property
- Affordability, suitability or otherwise of any mortgage or loan you are obtaining
We reserve the ability to charge extra if the transaction becomes out of the ordinary, and demands additional time to resolve any problems. These could include:
- Defective title
- Lack of planning documentation from the seller
- Very short interval between exchange and completion or simultaneous exchange and completion
- Dealing with unregistered title
- Dealing with more than one registered title
- Tenanted buy to let property
- Dealing with third party lawyers
- Arranging conveyancing indemnity policy
- Drafting statutory declaration
- Drafting declaration of trust
- Advising adult occupier required to sign consent form for lender
- Acting on behalf of the mortgage lender
- Shared ownership lease
- Help to buy aspects
- Leasehold Properties only
- New Build Properties
- Dealing with deed of variation of Lease
- Purchase/Transfer of freehold
- Dealing with Deed of Covenant/Licence to Assign
- Dealing with service charge retention
We will always advise you immediately about any complications, and discuss the potential impact on price before any additional charges are incurred.
How long will my house purchase take?
The time it takes from your offer being accepted until you can move in to your house will depend on a number of factors. The average process takes between 10 and 14 weeks.
It can be quicker or slower, depending on the parties in the chain. For example, if you are a first-time buyer, purchasing a new build property with a mortgage in principle, it could take 10 - 12 weeks. However, if you are buying a leasehold property that requires an extension of the lease, this can take significantly longer, between 3 and 4 months. In such, a situation additional charges would apply.
Legal fees – Our standard fees for a typical house mortgage or re-mortgage range from around £500 plus VAT (£600) for a simple transaction. These figures may however vary in cases with special complications. This is why we will always give you an individual cost estimate at the start of the transaction, taking into account the actual features of your mortgage or re-mortgage.
Disbursements for all transactions;
1.Approximate Search fees (these vary from one local authority to another) £250
2. Electronic money transfer fee £55 per transfer (inclusive of VAT @ 20%)
3. Land Registry fee – you can calculate the amount you will need to pay by using the Land Registry's website -
Land Registry Fee Calculator
Additional disbursements for leasehold;
1. Notice of Charge fee (if the property is to be mortgaged) – This fee is set out in the lease. Often the fee is between £10.00 – £100.00 plus VAT (@ 20%)
2. Certificate of Compliance fee – To be confirmed upon receipt of the lease, as can range between £30.00 plus VAT-£150.00 plus VAT (@ 20%)
Legal fees are fixed fees which will be based on the property and complexity of the transaction.
These fees vary from property to property and can on occasion be significantly more than the ranges given above. We can give you an accurate figure once we have sight of your specific documents.
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as Land Registry fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.
What services are included and key stages
Steps involved:
- Obtaining Title to the property from the Land Registry, and other supporting papers and reviewing these documents, once received.
- Raising searches (if required by the lender) and checking all results
- Obtaining redemption statement from existing lender (if any)
- Attending to all related correspondence, telephone calls, faxes and emails.
- Preparing a report to you on the mortgage offer and conditions.
- Sending mortgage deed to you for execution
- Confirming your instructions for completion
- Preparing a completion statement
- Paying of an existing mortgage loan
- Completing the new mortgage
- Attending to formalities relating to registering the transaction at the Land Registry
Our estimates do not include any advice about the following aspects:-
- Taxation issues
- Matters relating to survey or the state and condition of the property
- Division of mortgage proceeds between joint owners
- The validity or enforceability of any guarantees relating to work done at the property
- Affordability, suitability or otherwise of any mortgage or loan you are obtaining
- Application of proceeds of mortgage for the purchase of another property which you may be buying with another person
We reserve the ability to charge extra if the transaction becomes out of the ordinary and demands additional time to resolve any problems, these could include :-
- Defective title
- Lack of planning documentation from you
- Dealing with unregistered title
- Dealing with more than one registered title
- Tenanted buy to let property
- Dealing with third party lawyers
- Arranging conveyancing indemnity policy
- Drafting statutory declaration
- Drafting declaration of trust
- Advising adult occupier required to sign consent form for lender
- Shared ownership lease
- Leasehold Properties only – Dealing with deed of variation of Lease
We will always advise you immediately about any complication, and discuss the potential impact on price before any additional charges are incurred.
How long it will take from your application for a mortgage offer being accepted until it can be completed will depend on a number of factors. The average process takes between 6-8 weeks.
It can be quicker or slower, depending on the title, the lender’s requirements or conditions and how quickly the mortgage offer is received. For example, if you are a mortgaging a registered freehold title with a mainstream lender who only requires search indemnity insurance it could take 4 to 6 weeks. However, if you are mortgaging a leasehold property that requires an extension of the lease, this can take significantly longer, between 3 and 4 months. In such, a situation additional charges would apply.
Preparing Auction Pack £675.00 + VAT (£810.00)
Purchase legal Work after Auction £775.00 + VAT (£930.00)
Equity release charge £750.00 + VAT (£900.00)
Transfer of Equity £425.00 + VAT (£510.00)
Transfer of Equity in divorce cases £500.00 + VAT (£600.00)
First Registration £700.00 + VAT (£840.00)
Severance of Joint Tenancy £300.00 + VAT (£360.00) (no Land Registry fee)
Removal of Caution/Restriction £300.00 + VAT (£360.00)
Add Restriction £300.00 + VAT (£360.00)
Trust Deed £250.00 + VAT (£300.00)
New Lease £950.00 + VAT (£1140.00)
Assignment of Lease no premium £500.00 + VAT (£600.00)
(if premium use sale/purchase scale)
A&T Transfer fee (for each bank transfer) £45.83 + VAT (£55.00)
Conveyancing matters are dealt with by Lin Cane who is a Licensed Conveyancer and Director of the firm, and she is assisted by Jenny Plumb, who is an Associate Legal Executive, with some transactions.
There are three main stages to the debt recovery process.
1. An initial letter is sent to the debtor stating the value of the outstanding debt and reserving the right to proceed to Court action.
2. Debts are very often settled without needing to take the matter further, but should the debtor not make payment, then Court action can be issued, and a claim filed with the Court to obtain a Judgement for the amount of the debt.
3. If the Judgement is still not paid, an application for Enforcement can be made.
The likely time scale for this process is 3-6 months.
The final cost of this process will depend on the complexity of the matter, however upon a free review of your claim we will provide you with a fixed costs quotation before starting any work on your claim. As a guide, a simple debt recovery matter usually starts from a fixed cost of £750 plus VAT (£900.00). This charge is based upon our hourly charging rate of £250 plus VAT (£300.00), your fee earner being Mr David Ellicott who is a Chartered Legal Executive and Director of the firm.
Our price of £750 + VAT (£900.00) includes taking your instructions, the letter before action and reporting the response to you and preparation of the claim for issue at Court if necessary. Further costs will be added as the case progresses. There may be other costs in relation to charges that we will need to pay on your behalf as part of the process, known as disbursements, such as Court fees (the cost of which depends on the amount of debt being recovered and this cost will be advised to you), counsel’s fees and enforcement process fees. You will however be advised of these fees before they are incurred. As a guide counsel's fees are likely to be in the region of £750 - £2,000 plus VAT (£900.00 - £2400.00)
Anyone wishing to proceed with a claim should note that:
- The VAT element of our fee cannot be reclaimed from your debtor
-Interest and compensation may take the debt into a higher banding, with a higher cost
-The costs quoted above are not for matters where enforcement action, such as the bailiff, is needed to collect your debt
Employees - Legal fees for employment tribunal claims vary greatly depending on a number of factors such as the complexity of the matter, number of parties involved and whether or not the opposing side are represented. On average, legal fees for bringing a tribunal claim range between £8,000 – £20,000 + VAT (£9600 - £24000). Our charges are based on our average hourly charging-rate of £218 per hour, which will vary depending on the level of representative that is required to carry out the bulk of the work on the matter.
There may be other costs on top. These are fees and charges we will need to pay on your behalf as part of the process, such as counsel’s fees, expert witness fees. Counsel’s fees are likely to be in the region of £2,500 + VAT (£3000.00) where relevant. However, please note this will vary based on your selection of Counsel and the number of days’ Hearing.
Depending on the outcome of the hearing, in normal cases each party will pay their own costs.
Employers - Legal fees for defending an employment tribunal claim vary greatly depending on a number of factors such as the complexity of the matter, number of parties involved and whether or not the opposing side are represented. On average, legal fees for defending an employment tribunal claim range between £8,500 – £35,000 + VAT (£10,200 - £42,000). The actual cost to you will depend on a number of factors which we will be able to discuss with you at the outset, and throughout the process.
As part of your Business’ insurance cover, you may be insured against legal expenses which may cover all or part of your legal fees in defending an employment tribunal claim.
Our charges are based on our average hourly charging-rate of £218 per hour, which will vary depending on the level of representative that is required to carry out the bulk of the work on the matter. There may be other costs in addition to legal fees. These are fees and charges we will need to pay on your behalf as part of the process, such as Counsel’s fees and expert witness fees. Counsel’s fees are likely to be in the region of £2,500 + VAT (£3,000) where relevant. However, please note this will vary based on your selection of Counsel and the number of days’ of a hearing.
Our prices for bringing and defending Tribunal claims include work in relation to the following key stages of a claim:
- Taking your initial instructions, reviewing the papers and advising you on merits and likely compensation (this is likely to be revisited throughout the matter and subject to change)
- Entering into pre-claim conciliation where this is mandatory to explore whether a settlement can be reached;
- Preparing claim or response
- Reviewing and advising on claim or response from other party
- Exploring settlement and negotiating settlement throughout the process
- Preparing or considering a schedule of loss
- Preparing for (and attending) a Preliminary Hearing
- Exchanging documents with the other party and agreeing a bundle of documents
- Taking witness statements, drafting statements and agreeing their content with witnesses
- Preparing bundle of documents
- Reviewing and advising on the other party’s witness statements
- Agreeing a list of issues, a chronology and/or cast list
- Preparation and attendance at Final Hearing, including instructions to Counsel
The stages set out above are an indication and if some of stages above are not required, the fee will be reduced.
The time that it takes from taking your initial instructions to the final resolution of your matter depends largely on the stage at which your case is resolved. If a settlement is reached during pre-claim conciliation, your case is likely to take 2-16 weeks. If your claim proceeds to a Final Hearing, your case is likely to take 16-52 weeks. This is just an estimate and we will of course be able to give you a more accurate timescale once we have more information and as the matter progresses.
Employment claims are dealt with by our Stephanie Teece, who is a Chartered Legal Executive and Director of the firm.