We note the National Press is indicating that the 6th January depicts the commencement of a divorce boom in this country. It is an old wives tale that January is a trigger for divorces to be initiated but it is true to say that there is a growth in divorce that Almy & Thomas have perceived.
What is the reason for this growth?
Over the last thirty years there is a trend towards couples divorcing. The real reason for the development of separation and divorce is wealth. Despite what you may read in the press we are a wealthy country and married couples have over the last thirty years developed a considerable matrimonial pot.
There is for instance the growth of pensions as a key issue in divorces and pension sharing is a critical consideration for legal practitioners nowadays. With our improved economy house values have increased and there is more equity available on separation and divorce.
Our legal system is also geared toward equality of sharing of assets on divorce, and that is not only attractively to UK residents but also to wealthy foreign couples who instigate divorce proceedings in this country routinely now.
Single parents (the wives) can also rely on either working family tax credit or universal credit to prop up their income base.
It also has to be said that it is more likely nowadays that wives will not be entitled to spousal maintenance unless there are extreme circumstances that require the Court to consider that issue.