Are you wondering if you need a will? Most of us don’t want to consider our own passing, for good reason, but the need to have a will prepared in advance of this time is crucial for the distribution of your estate. If you don’t have a will, however, unknown people will then get to decide what happens with your estate after your death. It’s far better to spend some uncomfortable time and decide for yourself.
Wills aren’t just about who gets what. They’re also about determining what you want for yourself. Do you prefer cremation to burial? Are there things you want to be done at your funeral? This is the perfect time to make your wishes known.
If you have belongings or preferences for your funeral arrangements, you need a will. This is true no matter what age you are. Many people realise once they have children that it is an important idea, but still, put it off. That’s not the best idea, since you likely have very definitive ideas as to what should happen with your children if you aren’t around.
Your will is a place to divide up any assets you own. This includes:
● Bank accounts
● Properties
● Personal belongings
● Vehicles
● Businesses
All this information should be clearly stated and if you need it divided up, this may also be explained. Some people prefer to avoid drama, so they request that property be sold and the profits divided between several people equally. You have a lot of choices and a solicitor can help you determine what you want to do. You should also appoint an executor in your will. This person will be responsible for managing any debts and taxes and ensuring the will is carried out.
If you have children, a will is essential. It’s necessary to name a guardian if you and their other parent are no longer living. While this is essential for children and minors, you should also do this if you are a caregiver for an elderly parent, sibling, or another adult with disabilities.
In the event that you have specific wishes for your burial, be sure to let people know that this information is in the will. This ensures they will check it before making arrangements.
While it’s not pleasant to think about death, making a will can ease some of the sufferings of your loved ones after death. There will be no fighting over the assets you leave behind and you can ensure that everyone gets what you want them to receive.
If you would like help with your will, contact Almy and Thomas. We’re here to help and we have plenty of experience with creating wills.